Monday, November 30, 2009

It's almost December!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a very nice Thanksgiving and that everything else is going well. It has been so long since I have talked to most of you and I cannot believe tomorrow is December. I have been living in New Hampshire for three months now. I started subbing at the beginning of October and I pretty much was called every single morning by one or more schools (I think I may have signed up for too many districts…I think six). At the end of October, I was called by a principal of a school I never subbed in, but she asked me if I wanted to interview for a long-term substitute position since I was certified for special education. A few days later, I was called to start the job and for the past month I have been a 5th grade special education teacher (very similar job to my student teaching) and I will have this job until at least the end of January. It has been a great experience, definitely a challenge because the teacher I am replacing for her maternity leave did not really plan much, but I am learning a lot. I am still living with family friends that have two little girls and it is going really well. I am saving up some money now that I have a steady income for a while so hopefully I will be able to move into my own apartment in a few months. I hope that each of you is having a great time, wherever you may be, and that you all enjoy the holidays. I definitely wish we could all be together and I miss you all so much. Please keep my family in your prayers because I found out today that one of my grandmothers has some more tumors after she thought she was finished with all of her chemo treatments. Additionally, my dad is going to have a biopsy for some lumps in his thyroid (he already had one of his kidneys removed because it had a malignant tumor on it). I just am hoping (and praying) for the best. Best wishes for everyone and I hope to hear from you all soon. xoxo <3

Thursday, September 24, 2009

sewing circle

So hey ladies!
Its been a while...Katies post got me thinking I should I spend more time here in KY, I am learning more and more...but I do really miss our Thursday nights... something about our group...just kept me grounded.
well this past week Ive had a womens sewing group here living with us...and although much older it has brought so many memories back of our womens much power through groups of women...ive spent the past week sewing with a circle of women making things for the local nursing home...something women have done through history...and surprisingly it was so much fun! There is something so special about women when they gather....anyways I miss you all..but know you are doing great things!
stay well!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hello Seniors! Oh wait, you're not seniors anymore. Does that still seem weird to some of you? All of you? I thought it was my turn to write but I honestly have no idea how often any of you check this thing. Just wanted to say hi. We had our first Women's Group (now called Women's Spirit...I'm having a little trouble with the name change and am pretty much constantly having to correct myself) last week and our second tonight. Last week we had a great turnout but this week it was a much smaller group but it still went well.

I do have to say that last week when we gathered, I thought of every single one of you and your smiling faces...and meant to blog then but got busy and didn't so am doing so now instead of going to bed. Isn't that always the best time to blog? When one should be doing something else other than blogging? Tonight I talked about nostalgia with the students who were there. We tried to define it and realized we all had our own definition. Then they each talked about different things that made them nostalgic and some of them even said they really didn't get nostalgic for things (am I allowed to say I had a hard time believing that one?).

Me...I thought a thought and shared a little. Nostalgia is a crazy thing as I'm pretty sure you are all well aware of by now as the school year has come and gone and most of you aren't in school for the first time in a long time (yes, yes, I know some of you are at schools because you're teaching so I suppose that helps and grad school helps too). Okay, back to nostalgia...what I didn't share tonight with the students is that Women's Group (ahem, I mean Women's Spirit) makes me nostalgic and leads me to think of you. That's why I'm posting. To let you know I'm thinking of you and sending you all good thoughts wherever you are in the world and in whatever you are doing. You all are such good women and I hope you know how much you touched my life last year and how confident I am that you will continue to touch so many lives in such good ways in all that you do!

Friday, August 28, 2009

back in the states

Hey ladies! I figured I probably should write, since I am back in the states/to the world where I have regular internet and the like. Jenna, it sounds like what you're doing is perfect for you--I hope it goes well for you! That goes for everyone--I really hope you are finding peace in the work you are doing, and that it makes you happy and is everything you wanted.

I don't even know where to begin to describe Cambodia in a single blog post. I could have a week and probably couldn't come close to describing what it was really like, and what the experience meant. Cambodia was so different from the US--that much struck me as soon as I landed (and immediately became terrified by the insane movement of traffic in Phnom Penh!). For instance, the Khmer eat rice for three meals a day (the word for to eat actually literally translates to to eat rice), they leave bones in their meat (I had a chicken foot in my soup one was actually funny--I looked at my friend Hai and asked him what do I do with this?, which was something I asked him more than once when it came to food), they barter in markets, and those in a village who are well-off may have a tin roof on top of their tiny house. That last thing really struck me, and it was something I learned after I had already been in Cambodia five weeks.

The people are absolutely beautiful. I thought of the ship's crew as nine older brothers and most certainly beautiful spirits. They all have this incredible kindness, such as in Bun Roth's (he is the pharmacist) face when he picks up a child, or in the way the engineer Sam Ath looks at some of the younger members of the crew. Easily the most powerful thing I did was to give out numbers in the morning. It was beautiful, because people would look up at you with this amazing gratitude, but it was also so difficult because we almost never gave numbers to everyone in line--there were simply too many--and people would touch my arm or my sleeve and beg me for a number, so they or their child could see the doctor. When an American team was there for two weeks, we saw 2000 patients, and that was so amazing to be a part of. I especially loved the old women, who had no qualms about touching my barang (foreign) skin or giving me huge smiles, and the children because you don't need language to communicate with kids. Needless to say, I still really miss Cambodia and all the Khmer people. I love them all more than I can say, and I feel strangely like this experience made me into a real adult, if that makes any sense.

Love you all, let me know how you are doing! Nicki

Sunday, August 23, 2009

oh hello real world

hey ladies,
it's been awhile since I posted so I thought I'd say hello. It's so exciting to hear what you've all been doing! I'm glad to hear that you all seem happy too:)
As for me, Friday was my last day at my camp job and I start City Year on Tuesday!! So this weekend is a really weird transitional one. It was strange and sad for me to leave camp on Friday- I've worked there for the past 6 summers and will most likely not be returning next year. It's hard to imagine my life without it-so many people that I will miss a lot, co-workers and campers. It was a crazy summer there too, lots of children drama (child abuse, tough divorces, etc.) and although I am relieved to get away from some of the tough stuff I know that I am going to really miss it soon.
I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty nervous about Tuesday- yet somehow it all doesn't really seem real yet. Part of me is still convinced that I'll be moving back into Marist soon and be back with all of you shortly. However, the other part is slowly realizing that this isn't true and that post-college depression is setting in a bit. I hope that once I start working at City Year that I will be very busy and happy and won't miss Marist as much- I kinda doubt it though. Anyways, Tuesday is the first day of a five week training period. I'm staying with my cousin this week and then moving into my new apartment this weekend. It seems as if the real world has officially arrived. Hopefully I'm ready.
Anyways, I miss you all and would love to hear from you again! Also, I think we should talk about getting together on alumni weekend because I am really looking forward to this and would love love love to see you all! Keep me posted.
love, Jenna

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jumping out of planes and simple living...

Hey ladies!!! Its taken me like a week to figure this out. So, I gave Jenna the wrong email address (since I forgot what my gmail name actually was). Then it took me forever to figure out that I needed to accept her invitation through gmail to actually get on, but anyway yay I'm here!!
Its great to see what so many of you are doing already. I've had an eventful summer so far. I went skydiving about two weeks ago which was completely amazing! The five hour weather hold must have calmed my nerves because I was smiling and cracking jokes the whole plane ride up to the 13,500 ft jumping altitude. Beyond the initial milli second it was really amazing. It was not at all like a roller coaster and free fall is just exhilarating. Once the parachute opened I was able to see Long Island below and its beauty was amazing! It was a much better view then what you get out of a plane window. I highly recommend it.
After skydiving I had an amazing fourth of July weekend with some of my housemates and then went up to the Poughkeepsie area for a few days with Nicki. There is this really awesome boutique in Hyde Park (Just south of the Vanderbilt mansion) that I finally checked out. It is run by this woman who survived two heart attacks at the age of forty five and decided to leave the corporate world and do something different. Her boutique features an eclectic mix of books, jewelry, accessories and clothes that have been collected from around the world. She supports a lot of local artists as well, and sponsors many different charity events. If you are ever back in the area you need to check it out.
And one last little bit of story that I promised Coleen I would share with all of you. I really believe in the simple living aspect that the Jesuit Volunteer Corps encourages, so I've tried to start living the simple life. I think for awhile I was taking it a little bit to the extreme, I refused to buy any new clothes and was very choosy about any other purchasing choice. It was getting to the point that it was frustrating my parents a bit. The pinnacle of my extremism came when I went to get an eye exam. I ended up needing a new pair of glasses since the frame snapped when they tried to adjust it. Anyway this meant the pair of sunglasses I sort of needed (to drive and not be blinded by the sun as I'm prone to doing, thus endangering society at large) would come at an extra expense not covered by insurance. I had a complete melt down when I realized how much it cost (mind you my mother was paying for it). I couldn't believe how much one pair would cost and how that promoted consumerism, and I felt guilty for getting them. I thought this was a complete destruction of the simple living I've been striving for. My mom tried to tell me I really needed them but I could not be reconciled for a while. I then realized that hey I did need them and simply living doesn't mean not getting what you need. Simple living is more about not living in excess and carefully choosing how you use what you do already have in a way that honors the simple life. So in retrospect my extreme attitude was amusing and certainly has been a learning experience.
I miss you guys sorry for the obscenely long post! I hope to hear from you all soon!!
-Mary =)-

Monday, June 29, 2009

almost the end of june...i guess its time i cotributed :)

Hey ladies!

I have really enjoyed readig all your posts and learing about your curret lives and happenings. I have to say my life does not have the peace since we do not have our weekly meetigs to check in. So far my life has bee a whirl wind...I mean what els is new? Workig at the ew Windsor Catonment state historic fun...its my own little family. But I have been doing it for so long..not really any room for growth..but its fun and comfortable. So far ive been dressing in revolutionary war meals on fires..hanging effigies...trying to get grappling hooks out of trees..monitoring the blacksmith shop..playing chess, stool ball(old fashined baseball), sewing, laundry, and cutting down trees for fort fortifications...haha its a world of its own. I also wet to California with my great our family there wanted ot show me EVERYTHING! and we did see a was so beautiful. Just halfway through the trip my NY had a heart attack and the ext day had open heart surery..4 bypasses...and now is home I spet a majority of the trip worrying and wantig to be home...but it was still nice. It was still nice getting to kow other family I do not know well...seeig beautiful parts of our country and spending time with my great grandma. Other than that thigs have been the same old same old. Each weekend Ive been busy trying to go to a grad party or meet up with someone. I feel the summer is going by wayyy to fast and that I am desperaely tryig to seize each moment before I leave...yet in doig so I might be missing the ot being fully preset most of the time....any suggestions on how to clam it all i and still ejoy each moment of each day? well i miss you all...hope the wrld is good on your ends. Alida...i know youre not permanently statined yet..but some ppl I kew who did teach for america often needed more supplies and stuff for their classes bc the kinds/ school did not have necesary stuff...if there is anything I can try ad sed u or that you need...let me know :) love you ladies so much! wishing you the best!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hey everyone! Jenna, I'm so glad you got this started! I'm so happy to hear that things are going well, Alida, Jillian, and Jenna, and I hope they continue to for everyone! I just came back from Hawaii tonight. The time difference is kind of crazy--we left at 8:50pm Hawaii time and arrived at 5:00pm Eastern time--so we lost 6 hours. I can only imagine how much crazier it will feel when I lose 12 hours in Cambodia.
The trip was absolutely amazing--and so much needed. I finally got to relax and do nothing--and I think I read something like 8 different books over the three weeks (horray!). I spent 18 days on the island of Kauai with my family. We were welcomed to the island with dolphins our first morning, and our last night, we were blessed with a rainbow. In between, we did a lot of snorkeling and chilling on the beach. One of my favorite moments came when snorkeling--I was out on an edge of the reef and stumbled across a sea turtle resting under a rock. I just floated and watched it for a while, watched it surface and then return. It was incredible solitude, where it seemed only the turtle and I existed, one of those moments where I could live simply in the present and all was right in the world.
Probably one of my other favorite things was a motorized hang glider trip along the NaPali coast, where I learned to fly it, and we watched dolphins and turtles along a coast that is overwhelmingly beautiful. My dad, my brother and I also hiked the NaPali coast--11 miles to a permit-only beach. The trail was challenging--but in a good way, and there were views that there really were no words to describe all the time. We had an off day between hiking there and hiking back. I kayaked a little with a guy we met (50+ year old aged hippie/surfer but utterly fascinating person), and we went to beaches where it was just he and I and the birds and waterfalls running off the trail into the beach. It was perfect.
Now that I'm back, it makes Cambodia and Trinidad and everything feel very real...I'm so excited, but the reality of what I'm doing is also really really intimidating.
Miss you all!

Holla from Houston!

Hey y'all! I'm so glad this got started (you're a rockstar Jenna!) and I totally believe the Jillian bugging you part! I was actually just going to send out an email to everyone today, but this is so much better. So it's Saturday morning of my first real weekend in 2 weeks. I've been traveling/getting up at 5:30/going to classes since last Tuesday. Thus, it's actually hitting me how far away from home I am. But, it's been a good, busy ride so far. I caravaned down with some people from the Northeast and luckily we've all become pretty close. It's nice to have a steady group of people to come "home" to at night (they definitely don't match up to the reflection and healing power of you guys though.
Institute in Houston is pretty tough. I have about 5 courses a day and start teaching on Monday. I'm teaching 6th grade world History and Geography to a class of 15. I'm pretty excited because we're starting off with 2 weeks on the Aztecs, Mayans and conquistadors, so most of my time can be spent on figuring out how i'm going to teach it instead of the content. On Monday, and every day following for the next 4 weeks, I'm going to teach for an 80 minute block, have 3 classes a day, and bus duty. Doing the reading and stuff kind of got me ready, but talking to some of the teachers here, it's pretty obvious why there's this huge achievement gap in our nation's schools. (and I'm not just saying that because they've been brainwashing us!)

Anyway, my quick stay in Mississippi was good, it's incredibly flat and wet and at somepoint I'll get some pictures. I don't know my placement for the year yet, but it will be somewhere in Mississippi and not Arkansas. Enjoy your weekend and I hope to be hearing from y'all soon. (oh and by the way, i started picking up an accent while in Mississippi, but it's gone now)

Hi Everyone!

Thank you, Jenna for making the blog. Hope everyone is having a great summer. I am jealous of your nice weather in N.C. because I have had a few nice days here, but other than that it is chilly and rainy. My summer is going ok so far. I definitely wish I was back at Marist because I do not like living back at home. I have been applying to jobs, but no luck so far. A lot of people that I have been talking to said that the schools do a lot of hiring in July and August, so I guess I will have to wait and see. It did not really hit me that we graduated until yesterday when I received my teaching certificates in the mail and realized that I was officially done with Marist :( Anyway, for now I have been working a bit at the day care center that I have been at since high school so at least I am making some money. It is actually nice not having to work full-time there because in the past few summers I have worked 50+ hours a week and it is nice to have some free time and days off to spend with friends or just read a good book and relax (although, I am not totally comfortable with this less stressful life:) Well, I have to run because my mom is yelling for me to do something, so I will talk to you all soon. Thanks again, Jenna! Miss you all tons!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

1st post!

So, thanks to Jillian for her nagging (just kidding, it was one message), I started our women's group blog and can't wait to hear from all of you ladies about how your summers are going and how life post-Marist (except for Katie:) )is going! As for me, right now I am down in North Carolina at my parents' house for the next week and am basically just enjoying the amazing weather we've been having. Andrew was down visiting for a week and then a couple of my other friends came for another week. It's been a lot of fun and I'm kind of dreading coming back up north because after that I'll be working every day for a longgg time. Welcome to the real world I guess. Anyway, I can't wait to hear from everybody else. Miss you & love you all lots! Jenna