Monday, November 30, 2009

It's almost December!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a very nice Thanksgiving and that everything else is going well. It has been so long since I have talked to most of you and I cannot believe tomorrow is December. I have been living in New Hampshire for three months now. I started subbing at the beginning of October and I pretty much was called every single morning by one or more schools (I think I may have signed up for too many districts…I think six). At the end of October, I was called by a principal of a school I never subbed in, but she asked me if I wanted to interview for a long-term substitute position since I was certified for special education. A few days later, I was called to start the job and for the past month I have been a 5th grade special education teacher (very similar job to my student teaching) and I will have this job until at least the end of January. It has been a great experience, definitely a challenge because the teacher I am replacing for her maternity leave did not really plan much, but I am learning a lot. I am still living with family friends that have two little girls and it is going really well. I am saving up some money now that I have a steady income for a while so hopefully I will be able to move into my own apartment in a few months. I hope that each of you is having a great time, wherever you may be, and that you all enjoy the holidays. I definitely wish we could all be together and I miss you all so much. Please keep my family in your prayers because I found out today that one of my grandmothers has some more tumors after she thought she was finished with all of her chemo treatments. Additionally, my dad is going to have a biopsy for some lumps in his thyroid (he already had one of his kidneys removed because it had a malignant tumor on it). I just am hoping (and praying) for the best. Best wishes for everyone and I hope to hear from you all soon. xoxo <3

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