Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Thank you, Jenna for making the blog. Hope everyone is having a great summer. I am jealous of your nice weather in N.C. because I have had a few nice days here, but other than that it is chilly and rainy. My summer is going ok so far. I definitely wish I was back at Marist because I do not like living back at home. I have been applying to jobs, but no luck so far. A lot of people that I have been talking to said that the schools do a lot of hiring in July and August, so I guess I will have to wait and see. It did not really hit me that we graduated until yesterday when I received my teaching certificates in the mail and realized that I was officially done with Marist :( Anyway, for now I have been working a bit at the day care center that I have been at since high school so at least I am making some money. It is actually nice not having to work full-time there because in the past few summers I have worked 50+ hours a week and it is nice to have some free time and days off to spend with friends or just read a good book and relax (although, I am not totally comfortable with this less stressful life:) Well, I have to run because my mom is yelling for me to do something, so I will talk to you all soon. Thanks again, Jenna! Miss you all tons!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think the time is off...I was not posting this at 6am (I am not that crazy). It is almost 10am here.
