Monday, June 29, 2009

almost the end of june...i guess its time i cotributed :)

Hey ladies!

I have really enjoyed readig all your posts and learing about your curret lives and happenings. I have to say my life does not have the peace since we do not have our weekly meetigs to check in. So far my life has bee a whirl wind...I mean what els is new? Workig at the ew Windsor Catonment state historic fun...its my own little family. But I have been doing it for so long..not really any room for growth..but its fun and comfortable. So far ive been dressing in revolutionary war meals on fires..hanging effigies...trying to get grappling hooks out of trees..monitoring the blacksmith shop..playing chess, stool ball(old fashined baseball), sewing, laundry, and cutting down trees for fort fortifications...haha its a world of its own. I also wet to California with my great our family there wanted ot show me EVERYTHING! and we did see a was so beautiful. Just halfway through the trip my NY had a heart attack and the ext day had open heart surery..4 bypasses...and now is home I spet a majority of the trip worrying and wantig to be home...but it was still nice. It was still nice getting to kow other family I do not know well...seeig beautiful parts of our country and spending time with my great grandma. Other than that thigs have been the same old same old. Each weekend Ive been busy trying to go to a grad party or meet up with someone. I feel the summer is going by wayyy to fast and that I am desperaely tryig to seize each moment before I leave...yet in doig so I might be missing the ot being fully preset most of the time....any suggestions on how to clam it all i and still ejoy each moment of each day? well i miss you all...hope the wrld is good on your ends. Alida...i know youre not permanently statined yet..but some ppl I kew who did teach for america often needed more supplies and stuff for their classes bc the kinds/ school did not have necesary stuff...if there is anything I can try ad sed u or that you need...let me know :) love you ladies so much! wishing you the best!

1 comment:

  1. i'd say just be and let everything come. and pray. that's what's worked for me thus far...i'm surprising myself with how calm i am what with leaving for cambodia wed...
