Thursday, September 24, 2009

sewing circle

So hey ladies!
Its been a while...Katies post got me thinking I should I spend more time here in KY, I am learning more and more...but I do really miss our Thursday nights... something about our group...just kept me grounded.
well this past week Ive had a womens sewing group here living with us...and although much older it has brought so many memories back of our womens much power through groups of women...ive spent the past week sewing with a circle of women making things for the local nursing home...something women have done through history...and surprisingly it was so much fun! There is something so special about women when they gather....anyways I miss you all..but know you are doing great things!
stay well!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hello Seniors! Oh wait, you're not seniors anymore. Does that still seem weird to some of you? All of you? I thought it was my turn to write but I honestly have no idea how often any of you check this thing. Just wanted to say hi. We had our first Women's Group (now called Women's Spirit...I'm having a little trouble with the name change and am pretty much constantly having to correct myself) last week and our second tonight. Last week we had a great turnout but this week it was a much smaller group but it still went well.

I do have to say that last week when we gathered, I thought of every single one of you and your smiling faces...and meant to blog then but got busy and didn't so am doing so now instead of going to bed. Isn't that always the best time to blog? When one should be doing something else other than blogging? Tonight I talked about nostalgia with the students who were there. We tried to define it and realized we all had our own definition. Then they each talked about different things that made them nostalgic and some of them even said they really didn't get nostalgic for things (am I allowed to say I had a hard time believing that one?).

Me...I thought a thought and shared a little. Nostalgia is a crazy thing as I'm pretty sure you are all well aware of by now as the school year has come and gone and most of you aren't in school for the first time in a long time (yes, yes, I know some of you are at schools because you're teaching so I suppose that helps and grad school helps too). Okay, back to nostalgia...what I didn't share tonight with the students is that Women's Group (ahem, I mean Women's Spirit) makes me nostalgic and leads me to think of you. That's why I'm posting. To let you know I'm thinking of you and sending you all good thoughts wherever you are in the world and in whatever you are doing. You all are such good women and I hope you know how much you touched my life last year and how confident I am that you will continue to touch so many lives in such good ways in all that you do!